01 December 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

22 Nov-21 Dec

The culmination of a year’s hard work will provide dividends for you and you are able to see a further productive year ahead.  All has its own knock on effect and that is clear in the way that things are going for you just now.  An offer of an extended contract should be taken up as it will culminate in other offers after that.

22 Dec-19 Jan

A busy time ahead but equally a joyous time.  Celebrations on every level are afforded to you.  It gives you the necessary upliftment that you have been craving for.  There is much certainty around you and so that sinking feeling that you have been experiencing will be no more.  Trust not to luck but what is on offer; expect a high yield in every capacity.

20 Jan-18 Feb

New beginnings for so many.  It will be quite a shock as it will come out of the blue a most unexpected surprise, but not in the way that you had envisaged, but more practical in every way.  There can be no going back to the old ways.  The future concerns you and not how it will manifest itself; the planets to decide this glorious outcome.

19 Feb-20 Mar

Take stock of all that you hold dear and begin to see a pattern emerging that will astound you in matters not thought possible before.  You thought you were struggling, but in spite of all this still going forwards.  Now really begin to be on the skating rink and see just how effortless everything falls magnificently into place.  The hard times really are over.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Everything is starting to fall nicely into place.  The purpose for your life was in deadlock.  Now an unexpected opening arrives on your doorstep to take you forth into another dimension of intrigue and mystery.  There can be no holding back and the adjustment to you swift indeed.  Take a positive stance and see the outcome.  There is continued life and it must be lived.

20 Apr-20 May

A sharp awakening to get you back on track, you have deviated slightly off course and understandably so.  The work is long and strenuous, but it is also delightful and you will emerge the victor after all has been completed, which is well on time.  Take a few days off to enjoy life and to bring you back into balance, a new idea to emerge out of it.

21 May-20 Jun

Now the leisure time is well and truly over.  You are emerging into the fast lane of life and all is happening at a very fast pace around you.  Take this opportunity to really excel in ways not thought possible before.  You will be headhunted to do another job and this will be the makings of you. Your wish will come true.  You won’t be disappointed.

21 Jun-22 Jul

There will be a complete ‘U’ turn to your life.  It has had to come in and is at the right time to make the necessary arrangements, so that you are able to contribute more to your life than at any other time before.  You will be able to extend your talents and expertise in ways that were not possible before.  It really is very exciting times.

23 Jul-22 Aug

The sun shines brightly in your planetary system.  Be encouraged now in a new adventure, which was not possible to achieve before.  It comes to you in a strange way and you will be interested in its content – a  marvel of ingenuity for all to see.  Believe in your skills and talents.  They are there for your use and must be utilised at the right times.

23 Aug-22 Sep

A miss-mash of ideas around you will see you feeling out of sorts.  It is quickly over, but must be got through in order for you to see the underlying benefits behind it.  There is a new operation afoot, which will throw a spanner in the works.  Do not be alarmed.  It is primarily for your benefit and wellbeing.  You will come out on top.

23 Sep-22 Oct

You must press ahead with the new concept that you are currently involved in.  There is a partial opening, which will be to your liking and this will make the necessary differences to your life.  See the situation change and where you can now benefit and where before there was no hope.  An interesting time for you and boredom is no longer on the agenda.

23 Oct-21 Nov

A passing fancy will evolve into something permanent.  It will be a giggle to start with, but will gather momentum in the process.  See everything come together at once and begin to believe in your true destiny.  Now is not the time to be faint hearted, but to really appreciate the true experience.  Never will you be so amazed and so happy.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

01 November 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

23 Oct-21 Nov

A breakthrough of events will see you poised to take action.  Something that has been previously stopping you will now become unblocked and the entire system is now tipping towards great advantages and rewards.  Never before will you have felt so in control of your destiny that you will be bowled over by events – a coming together of a life time’s work, so well done.

22 Nov-21 Dec

A major problem that you have been encountering will be completely overhauled and this will allow for substantial growth and satisfaction to come in.  It’s been a long time in coming, but the way had to be made clear first in order for this manifestation to occur.  It won’t present you with any problems, but you must be on your guard to make matters hold their position.

22 Dec-19 Jan

It is now that all hell breaks loose on the work front and the monetary equivalent will be welcomed.  You are in the midst of this work and recovery starts to feel brighter and more together as you begin to understand your role in all this, which is extremely vital towards the smooth running of all these events.  You are able to meet all targets.

20 Jan-18 Feb

Never think that life has left you by.  You are just coming into your own and are more able to let go of the past than at any time in your life up to now.  It has dragged you down only because you allowed it to.  Now with the new planetary opposition you are able to make concrete plans and adjust your life style.

19 Feb-20 Mar

You are being trained for a higher calling and must be allowed maximum advantage to take you over, so that you are able to excel in these heights of wisdom and job satisfaction.  There will be a constant lift to your step and where at times you thought you were out of step with others it was they who were out of step with you.

21 Mar-19 Apr

Taking matters into your own hands and not realising the extent of the consequences could be fatal in business.  You have to learn to climb down a peg or two and to re-evaluate your position.  Once the correct relevant advice has been given, then you are able to change direction and go forwards.  Accept that you cannot know everything and help is now required.

20 Apr-20 May

To be right all the time can be boring.  You are blessed with many things going right for you.  Enjoy these times and make it last.  It is only when you have not, that you can reminisce on times when you are rewarded by plenty.  There comes a time when a decision needs to be looked into.  It can change your life if not thought out properly.

21 May-20 Jun

 Making waves will get you nowhere.  You need to have a constructive view point and get to the heart of the problem, then you will begin to tackle it from a position of strength and not weakness.  It has been bugging you for some time and will not go away.  Seize the argument and deliver the strategy from a different perspective and drive home the correct view point.

21 Jun-22 Jul

Making friends is not difficult for you, but are they the right friends?  You have been seriously hurt recently and have tried to take on too much upon yourself with dire consequences.  Take a long hard look as to who has your best interests at heart.  Those who have nothing to lose or to gain, they are the ones for you.  The rest are just hangers on.

23 Jul-22 Aug

A parting of the ways from somebody close to you is inevitable.  They have tried to keep up with your pace of life and have slipped back on many occasions.  You need to move on with your life.  There are big and complex assignments that only you can address.  It is your destiny to challenge the greatest and to move on in the world.

23 Aug-22 Sep

Taking time out for yourself is not possible.  You are heading into a major shift of energies, which will need all your powers of persuasion to eliminate any form of conflict that might arise out of misinterpretation.  You hold so many things together and will be needed to manage this difficult situation so that all can save face.  You are empowered and energised by the event.

23 Sep-22 Oct

Be prepared to change directions on a massive scale.  You have been asking for it and it is now fast approaching.  There will be some complications surrounding this, but you will begin to see the reasons behind the format.  All is for your ultimate happiness and contentment and will be the starting block to so many things possible in your life.  There won’t be any regrets.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

01 October 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

23 Sep-22 Oct
Start to see the progress that you have made over this year so far and accept the suitable offering for further advancement to your career.  You won’t be disappointed.  It will be a change of scenery of which you will enjoy and it will make up for all those unfortunate episodes you have had with moving around so many times. Things are looking up.

23 Oct-21 Nov
Start to pace yourself much more than you have of late.  Situations around you are hotting up and there is a move afoot to get you transferred to a higher position.  It won’t come as any surprise to you as you have been offered a slightly different position before, but you did not take it up then.  Now you must in order to succeed.

22 Nov-21 Dec
Take that step into the future.  The fear that you once had is no more as there is a rise of optimism and freedom, which takes you to the next chapters of your life.  All that you have fought so hard to preserve are still there for you, take comfort in that.  Believe that you have all the credentials to hand to achieve on a remarkable level.

22 Dec-19 Jan
Your life is all go, go, go and where you did not think you had the commanding position it is all there for you.  How you handle it will determine the success and the outcome.  Your life on the up and there is no stopping it.  Allow your energies to flow in a positive way so that all comes to you effortlessly.  Success awaits you now!

20 Jan-18 Feb
Be of good cheer.  Your hard work and efforts have now paid dividends.  All that has been promised to you career wise is on offer, so although you feel there is a slow up of events think again, as your next step up the career ladder is a vital one and one you can accomplish easily.  It all comes to you, so take matters in your stride.

19 Feb-20 Mar
What you thought of as an impossible solution will bear fruit.  It allows you further scope for personal advancement and expansion from a different perspective.  Allow the success to show you another way of operating and where production is fast tracked and impossible to stop.  This really is a turnabout of events.  Don’t be afraid to take it that step further when you feel more confident.

21 Mar-19 Apr
Take time out for you to enjoy and be at peace.  It has been a pretty hectic few months and the need is to focus on a new strategy while taking time out for yourself.  Never feel that you have to push yourself as the timing for the new strategy has to be worked out and finalised.  You will see a much better format of working materialise.

20 Apr-20 May
All is at a fast pace indeed, the new accolades that are yours will be presented to you.  You have earned and deserved it and now you must take centre stage to appreciate all the hard work that you have done.  The pilot project will see more offers heading your way.  It will transcend you into a different time zone.  All will become fascinatingly clear to you.
21 May-20 Jun
Breathe a sigh of relief.  What you once thought of as impossible has now turned out much better than expected and all will benefit from this change.  You are now entering another league of expertise and all eyes are on you.  Think carefully as to how you wish to play it.  The challenges to you are enormous and breathtaking.  You are in a league of your own.

21 Jun-22 Jul
The next step up the career ladder can and must come from you.  In order to succeed in a proper, more manageable way, the mental outlook must first come in.  Then the avenues for personal advancement will be shown to you and accomplishment is yours for all time.  Start to believe in your own capabilities.  Your own instincts have not let you down nor will they.

23 Jul-22 Aug
The fast lane of working and acting has taken you by storm.  See the good things coming your way and the various introductions, which puts you well and truly on the map in your own right.  Your reputation is soaring and it needs to break through those barriers for future accomplishments.  The timing for your advancement is now.  Experience what has always been your hopes and dreams.

23 Aug-22 Sep
Nothing is for nothing and what you have accomplished these past few weeks will put you in good stead for a better understanding of your own capabilities and fortune.  There will be an important opening career wise, where you will need to perform to the highest level and where all that you have learnt throughout your life you can now call on that expertise and deliver.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@hotmail.co.uk and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

01 September 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

23 Aug-22 Sep
All changes are now in operation to bring about a productive and worthwhile year.  This will need to be got through in order for you to sustain the very needs that you now have.  It will jet propel you into another dimension of working and sustenance, which will be absorbed by the way it is devised.  Start to see how it all manifests at one fell swoop.

23 Sep-22 Oct
What was a little problem will manifest into a big one until you start to voice what is unjust around you.  You have put up with this situation for long enough, so it is high time you took the moral high ground and protect yourself from this disharmony which surrounds you.  Then, and only then, will the situation change and peace of mind can finally come in.

23 Oct-21 Nov
Don’t throw your life away with what is an impossible situation.  The time now is to start anew and begin to breathe new life into another game plan, which will become fruitful and positive. You owe it to yourself to try and then as if by a miracle, it all starts to work for you without even much effort on your part.  You have nothing to lose.

22 Nov-21 Dec
When you think all is lost and there is no more that can go wrong, that is when new life and vigour is born.  See a very important opening coming up for you and begin to believe again in your own abilities.  You have more in you than most people think, you just must believe more in yourself to get these great results.

22 Dec-19 Jan
What has been a very difficult month for you, in spite of everything that appears to be working you are still in the doldrums of despair and indifference.  See how far you have come and begin to see the new path now approaching with everything laid out just as you wanted it.  It is all there for you.  See it.  You don’t have to believe it.

20 Jan-18 Feb
Another exciting phase of your life to come, what was a master stroke of planetary action on your behalf has induced a situation not thought possible before.  So start to appreciate this time of great upliftment and joy.  It has been well worth the wait.  You are now able to make lasting plans for your future.  All can now go smoothly and according to plan.

19 Feb-20 Mar
See the brightness coming back into your life.  All that hard work and efforts have not gone in vain.  The turning point now into something spectacular and unusual is approaching.  It has not been tried or tested before, but it will increase in dividends because it has been a labour of love from the beginning.  You will be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

21 Mar-19 Apr
It is catch-up time.  You have to work that bit harder in order to make the deadline.  You owe it to yourself to be more practical in your approach so that the better outcome can come in.  Start to see what is possible and how the new pathway can become a positive aspect towards getting your life underway again.  There can be no let-up.

20 Apr-20 May
Learn to be more patient with yourself.  You have done everything possible to make this project the most remarkable in your life.  You will be able to taste the sweet flavour of success in a short time as the feedback from what you have done will be on its way to you.  This is only the beginning of even greater things to come.
21 May-20 Jun
Now the deadline has come in and you are wondering how it will all go for you.  Remember you have worked your guts off and the development had its sticky points, but the success rate is high and your efforts have now at last paid dividends.  Know that you are home and dry and accept all accolades coming your way.  You have deserved them.

21 Jun-22 Jul
There are two important decisions that you need to make at this time.  Do not feel pressurised into making those decisions.  Wait a further two weeks when the Universal planetary aspects become more favourable for you and you will be able to see your way clear into making the right decisions on both.  Don’t worry, just to wait.  You will be glad that you did.

23 Jul-22 Aug
Many offers are now coming your way.  You will be spoilt for choice, so see just how you feel and start to listen to your own instincts.  This will be your guidance as to how to plan the next six months ahead.  Do not be too hasty as nothing will be taken away.  It is in your best interest that time over these offers is taken seriously indeed.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

01 August 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa


A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

23 Jul-22 Aug
It is imperative that you take the bull by the horns now and run with it.  A very exciting time in your professional field of expertise will see you make drastic decisions, which will compliment your working life to full advantage.  Many things that you have been working towards will culminate in big changes.  All must be got through for your advancement.

23 Aug-22 Sep
Now you should be looking at a career change.  There will be opportunities which before were not there and it will be the single most important thing you will do in a very long time.  The planetary timing is now perfect.  You have wanted this change and have subsequently asked for it.  It is only now that the timing is right for the perfect go-ahead.

23 Sep-22 Oct
Never be afraid to take on a challenge.  All is hotting up in your planetary sphere and you cannot ignore this calling, so as more and more challenges start to present themselves feel privileged that you are able to meet them head on and excel.  It will ultimately take you on to pastures new, which will have a tinge of excitement about it – all to be revealed.

23 Oct-21 Nov
Trust now in your instincts and fly.  You are caught up in a difficult two way situation and you cannot get passed the problem.  It is not your problem anymore and so must be released for another to work out.  You are not ditching the problem, you are getting out before you get burnt.  Allow the Universal forces to assist in saving you.  You are worth it!

22 Nov-21 Dec
Just feel the power of justice heading your way.  An extraordinary chain of events will see you surpass yourself, not only in your professional life but equally in your personal.  It has not come too late.  It has come just in time and it will allow for full retribution to be administered.  Be happy.  This really is your time now!  See you benefit from every angle.

22 Dec-19 Jan
Everything now turns for you full circle and all those uncertainties of yesteryear are banished for good.  Your professional life is souring and it is high time you were noticed and came into your own.  You have always been there, but the notice is fully upon you.  It is both exciting and rewarding at the same time – a life to be lived and enjoyed to the fullest.

20 Jan-18 Feb
Peace is finally upon you.  You needed to know that as the turmoil although hazardous has indeed proved positive to you.  Financially you thought you were not going to make it, but as always the safety net was provided and it made a substantial difference to your life.  So breathe the sweet air of freedom from the past and enjoy now what is so rightfully yours.

19 Feb-20 Mar
It really can’t get any better than this or so you think.  What you once thought was, “Is this all there is?”  It’s not what this is all about.  You have completely come into your own and have blossomed to a fashion not thought possible a year ago.  You go from strength to strength gathering momentum along the way.  You really are unstoppable, all credit to you.

21 Mar-19 Apr
Make peace with yourself.  You drive too hard a bargain and it will trip you up shortly, that is for sure.  You must learn that diplomacy in all things is where lasting achievements lie and then you are able to build from difficult situations to lasting productive ones.  It is in your interest.  Ignore this advice and pay the penalty over and over again. 

20 Apr-20 May
The time has come to take that giant step into the unknown.  You have been well trained for this so it won’t come as any surprise to learn how popular and how proficient you truly are.  It is necessary to take on board these challenges, so that you gleam the true value of your worth.  No one is laughing now.  Take pride in yourself and in your abilities.

21 May-20 Jun
You are a mastermind that is heading for a fall if you are not careful.  Don’t push yourself to the limit.  All is in the right format and there is more time than you realise to excel on many fronts.  Recognise your true potential.  It comes to pass in a most extraordinary way and full complements to you from so many.  See you beaming from ear to ear.

21 Jun-22 Jul
Learn to take life more in your stride and adopt a more positive approach.  You will begin to see that life although strange has its many turns and pathways.  Yours now is straight and true and what you once thought as being impossible is right there for the asking.  Have a go.  You won’t regret it.  See an impossible situation become possible and live a little.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

01 July 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

JULY 2011

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa. 

21 Jun-22 Jul
It is now that you can see just how much better everything is for you.  You are starting to trust in your own instincts and will largely be able to depend on them as time goes by.  See signs of evidence coming to you so that your trust in your ability grows daily.  The new avenue of work will surprise and delight you at the same time.

23 Jul-22 Aug
It is the time to make or break.  What you have always dreamed of is there before you and it is the right timing to approach this very important project, which will be the high light of your life.  You have worked successfully to achieve it, so now it comes to you to see just where you can go with it.  There are no limits.

23 Aug-22 Sep
Don’t feel so down in the dumps.  You are being stretched to the very pinnacle of what is necessary in your ultimate achievement and satisfaction.  Do not feel downhearted but elated, as it is just what you needed to climb to the top of your career.  It will announce you to the world and so you can at last believe in yourself. You are going places.

23 Sep-22 Oct
Spare some valuable time for yourself now.  It will do you the power of good.  The fast lane can take its toll if there is no respite in the foreseeable future, so allow yourself a little pampering time as you will be expected to perform at the highest level once again.  New important projects are coming your way and there will be precious little time then.

23 Oct-21 Nov
See the good life approaching with precious little effort on your part.  You have made the successful transition to the next level and all that hard work has paid off handsomely.  Be open-minded as there will be necessary adjustments to your lifestyle from now on.  New and important people to meet and it is your way to deal with them in style.

22 Nov-21 Dec
The new opening of love and finance will come in respectively.  Are you ready for it?  Your stars say you are, as there is a conjunction of the planets which will bring in this necessary surprise and take you to another level in your life you never thought possible before.  Embrace all that comes to you as it is your destiny from now on.

22 Dec-19 Jan
As openings after openings embrace your life, you will become deliriously happy and content for the first time in ages.  It comes to pass in super quick time and it is there to stay for all time.  See just what you are now made of and begin to see yourself taken to heights unknown, but fruitful at the same time.  Now you will understand your destiny.

20 Jan-18 Feb
You are in a very punchy position in your life where you need to make some drastic decisions on how you are to proceed.  Your best interest to remain bullish at all times, so that the right outlook is maintained.  Be firm with matters on the work front so that you are able to exercise your right, which is now!  A good outcome to come.

19 Feb-20 Mar
Never think you are forgotten as this important breakthrough brings in all the quality assurances that you are after.  It is now that matters turn around for you in a most dramatic way and life saver after life saver is the natural way to go.  Be optimistic as everything lands safely at your door.  Two new projects to inspire you will be the order of the day.

21 Mar-19 Apr
Be pleased with your past performances as it has been a trying and testing time.  You are now well clear of any embarrassment and can enjoy what is now laid out before you.  See that you will be involved with new and exciting things which were always in the pipeline, but were not able to transform into any form of reality before now.

20 Apr-20 May
To feel stifled has been a thing of the past.  Now you enter a completely new set of rules, which will alleviates all the suffering from past years.  New projects are in the pipeline and a new and exciting contact will make itself known to you.  Where you take this is up to you, but the rewards are always far reaching and much needed at this time.

21 May-20 Jun
Extraordinary events, which you were not prepared for, have now landed in your lap.  Take a deep breath and a leap of faith is necessary to achieve the ultimate goal and satisfaction.  You will not be out of your depth, just a little startled as to why now and why you.  This course has been destined to you, so you must take it up and run with it.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

01 June 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

JUNE 2011

A clairvoyant’s approach channelled by Jenny Ayers from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.

21 May-20 Jun
Now you face a very important test in your life and decisions you never thought possible have to be addressed and worked through.  There is no point is trying to get away with it as it will come back to haunt you until you deal with it.  The outcome is long and hard, but very well worth it so go for it.  You really have no choice now.

21 Jun-22 Jul
Every cloud has a silver lining as they say and in your case this will prove to be the point.  What you thought was a terrible ordeal is now bearing fruit and a more positive outlook is envisaged.  Remember you still have to work for it as your path appears unclear for the moment.  It will materialise and happiness is certainly there for you.

23 Jul-22 Aug
Take another step backwards before you can go forwards again.  There are major opportunities coming to you left, right and centre and a new contract of working and living is there for the asking.  Do not be afraid to take up these very valuable opportunities and defend your case, which is of course cast in stone. A newer improved outlook is yours for the taking.

23 Aug-22 Sep
As you enter into the big league of life you need to think clearly as to how you are going to manage.  There will be much demand on your time and energy.  A strategy not thought possible before will be required.  It takes you up to the next level career wise and needs careful planning and reorganisation.  No time now to contemplate.  All is fast moving and effective.

23 Sep-22 Oct
Take time out for yourself and study what was to be your destiny and where you fell short of what you were meant to be.  It is time now to sort matters out and begin to be yourself and not what others expect you to be for them.  Until you decide no one can help you.  It is your decision that brings in the relative changes to your life.

23 Oct-21 Nov
Stepping carefully over hot coals will get you nowhere fast.  Seize the opportunities and free yourself from the mundane that still haunts you even now.  You have been given this chance to expand and to fully stretch you beyond the limits of your comfort zone.  Take this experience and appreciate the opportunity for doing so.  You will be able to manage it with no regrets.

22 Nov-21 Dec
Seeing the world as you do is a terrible strain for you.  Try to be more philosophical and begin to see a Higher Intelligence out there sorting all matters out to the highest degree with total control and effectiveness.  Start to believe in the concept of your life and begin with knowledge already gained.  Then a broader canvass can be achieved and the greater outcome reached.

22 Dec-19 Jan
It is now that you go at high speed as all is given to you at once and that everlasting sacrifice is no longer required.  The door opens wide and you are thrust forward at a remarkable pace with safety and enthusiasm the likes you have not seen before.  So complete all matters.  It really is show time now – a very swift recovery in all things.

20 Jan-18 Feb
From now on there will be many changes in your life which will need to be rectified to keep you afloat and running.  Nothing will be wasted, but you will need to reorganise your life in a way not thought possible before.  You will be thrown in at the deep end and expected to swim, so start to think positively and you will make that necessary difference.

19 Feb-20 Mar
Coming from the rear and facing all difficulties head on is your speciality.  Your rewards are great indeed and you will be able to see on a practical level how much you have achieved.  The phasing out of the old and entering into the new unknown aspects of life to take you now onto the next degree of ultimate achievement.  Can you take it?  Of course you can.

21 Mar-19 Apr
You seem fraught with anxieties and complications.  None of these appear to be your fault.  Another avenue of work and finance being offered to you, so count your blessings and see the very hard work that you have put in in the past to make this all possible.  The change around of events planetary wise will see you make the right decisions instead of the wrong ones.

20 Apr-20 May
The time for expansion has come in and what you once thought of as hopeless is proving to be fully productive and ongoing.  It is due to your hard work and unstinting loyalty to the cause which has kept you going against intolerable odds.  Welcome the new prospectus with open arms and begin to see a pattern of working and finances coming in to secure the package.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org