A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa.
23 Jul-22 Aug
It is imperative that you take the bull by the horns now and run with it. A very exciting time in your professional field of expertise will see you make drastic decisions, which will compliment your working life to full advantage. Many things that you have been working towards will culminate in big changes. All must be got through for your advancement.
23 Aug-22 Sep
23 Aug-22 Sep
Now you should be looking at a career change. There will be opportunities which before were not there and it will be the single most important thing you will do in a very long time. The planetary timing is now perfect. You have wanted this change and have subsequently asked for it. It is only now that the timing is right for the perfect go-ahead.
23 Sep-22 Oct
23 Sep-22 Oct
Never be afraid to take on a challenge. All is hotting up in your planetary sphere and you cannot ignore this calling, so as more and more challenges start to present themselves feel privileged that you are able to meet them head on and excel. It will ultimately take you on to pastures new, which will have a tinge of excitement about it – all to be revealed.
23 Oct-21 Nov
23 Oct-21 Nov
Trust now in your instincts and fly. You are caught up in a difficult two way situation and you cannot get passed the problem. It is not your problem anymore and so must be released for another to work out. You are not ditching the problem, you are getting out before you get burnt. Allow the Universal forces to assist in saving you. You are worth it!
22 Nov-21 Dec
22 Nov-21 Dec
Just feel the power of justice heading your way. An extraordinary chain of events will see you surpass yourself, not only in your professional life but equally in your personal. It has not come too late. It has come just in time and it will allow for full retribution to be administered. Be happy. This really is your time now! See you benefit from every angle.
22 Dec-19 Jan
22 Dec-19 Jan
Everything now turns for you full circle and all those uncertainties of yesteryear are banished for good. Your professional life is souring and it is high time you were noticed and came into your own. You have always been there, but the notice is fully upon you. It is both exciting and rewarding at the same time – a life to be lived and enjoyed to the fullest.
20 Jan-18 Feb
20 Jan-18 Feb
Peace is finally upon you. You needed to know that as the turmoil although hazardous has indeed proved positive to you. Financially you thought you were not going to make it, but as always the safety net was provided and it made a substantial difference to your life. So breathe the sweet air of freedom from the past and enjoy now what is so rightfully yours.
19 Feb-20 Mar
19 Feb-20 Mar
It really can’t get any better than this or so you think. What you once thought was, “Is this all there is?” It’s not what this is all about. You have completely come into your own and have blossomed to a fashion not thought possible a year ago. You go from strength to strength gathering momentum along the way. You really are unstoppable, all credit to you.
21 Mar-19 Apr
21 Mar-19 Apr
Make peace with yourself. You drive too hard a bargain and it will trip you up shortly, that is for sure. You must learn that diplomacy in all things is where lasting achievements lie and then you are able to build from difficult situations to lasting productive ones. It is in your interest. Ignore this advice and pay the penalty over and over again.
20 Apr-20 May
20 Apr-20 May
The time has come to take that giant step into the unknown. You have been well trained for this so it won’t come as any surprise to learn how popular and how proficient you truly are. It is necessary to take on board these challenges, so that you gleam the true value of your worth. No one is laughing now. Take pride in yourself and in your abilities.
21 May-20 Jun
21 May-20 Jun
You are a mastermind that is heading for a fall if you are not careful. Don’t push yourself to the limit. All is in the right format and there is more time than you realise to excel on many fronts. Recognise your true potential. It comes to pass in a most extraordinary way and full complements to you from so many. See you beaming from ear to ear.
21 Jun-22 Jul
21 Jun-22 Jul
Learn to take life more in your stride and adopt a more positive approach. You will begin to see that life although strange has its many turns and pathways. Yours now is straight and true and what you once thought as being impossible is right there for the asking. Have a go. You won’t regret it. See an impossible situation become possible and live a little.
FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email and for spiritual guidance see
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