01 July 2011

Clairvoyant Horoscopes from Mustafa

JULY 2011

A clairvoyant’s approach, channelled by Jenny Ayers, from her four thousand year old Egyptian Holy Man guide called Mustafa. 

21 Jun-22 Jul
It is now that you can see just how much better everything is for you.  You are starting to trust in your own instincts and will largely be able to depend on them as time goes by.  See signs of evidence coming to you so that your trust in your ability grows daily.  The new avenue of work will surprise and delight you at the same time.

23 Jul-22 Aug
It is the time to make or break.  What you have always dreamed of is there before you and it is the right timing to approach this very important project, which will be the high light of your life.  You have worked successfully to achieve it, so now it comes to you to see just where you can go with it.  There are no limits.

23 Aug-22 Sep
Don’t feel so down in the dumps.  You are being stretched to the very pinnacle of what is necessary in your ultimate achievement and satisfaction.  Do not feel downhearted but elated, as it is just what you needed to climb to the top of your career.  It will announce you to the world and so you can at last believe in yourself. You are going places.

23 Sep-22 Oct
Spare some valuable time for yourself now.  It will do you the power of good.  The fast lane can take its toll if there is no respite in the foreseeable future, so allow yourself a little pampering time as you will be expected to perform at the highest level once again.  New important projects are coming your way and there will be precious little time then.

23 Oct-21 Nov
See the good life approaching with precious little effort on your part.  You have made the successful transition to the next level and all that hard work has paid off handsomely.  Be open-minded as there will be necessary adjustments to your lifestyle from now on.  New and important people to meet and it is your way to deal with them in style.

22 Nov-21 Dec
The new opening of love and finance will come in respectively.  Are you ready for it?  Your stars say you are, as there is a conjunction of the planets which will bring in this necessary surprise and take you to another level in your life you never thought possible before.  Embrace all that comes to you as it is your destiny from now on.

22 Dec-19 Jan
As openings after openings embrace your life, you will become deliriously happy and content for the first time in ages.  It comes to pass in super quick time and it is there to stay for all time.  See just what you are now made of and begin to see yourself taken to heights unknown, but fruitful at the same time.  Now you will understand your destiny.

20 Jan-18 Feb
You are in a very punchy position in your life where you need to make some drastic decisions on how you are to proceed.  Your best interest to remain bullish at all times, so that the right outlook is maintained.  Be firm with matters on the work front so that you are able to exercise your right, which is now!  A good outcome to come.

19 Feb-20 Mar
Never think you are forgotten as this important breakthrough brings in all the quality assurances that you are after.  It is now that matters turn around for you in a most dramatic way and life saver after life saver is the natural way to go.  Be optimistic as everything lands safely at your door.  Two new projects to inspire you will be the order of the day.

21 Mar-19 Apr
Be pleased with your past performances as it has been a trying and testing time.  You are now well clear of any embarrassment and can enjoy what is now laid out before you.  See that you will be involved with new and exciting things which were always in the pipeline, but were not able to transform into any form of reality before now.

20 Apr-20 May
To feel stifled has been a thing of the past.  Now you enter a completely new set of rules, which will alleviates all the suffering from past years.  New projects are in the pipeline and a new and exciting contact will make itself known to you.  Where you take this is up to you, but the rewards are always far reaching and much needed at this time.

21 May-20 Jun
Extraordinary events, which you were not prepared for, have now landed in your lap.  Take a deep breath and a leap of faith is necessary to achieve the ultimate goal and satisfaction.  You will not be out of your depth, just a little startled as to why now and why you.  This course has been destined to you, so you must take it up and run with it.

FOR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION from JENNY you can either telephone 01892-662-856 or email jandm.ayers@gmail.com and for spiritual guidance see www.spiritualist-guidance.org

1 comment:

kirtipathak said...

Although it is old horoscope predictions for for JULY 2011 but still worthful. If interested to read about horoscope compatibility and astrology, you can visit omastrology.com.